I'm Kate
I'm a London-based, full stack web developer.
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About Me

Project manager, linguist and full stack web developer

I'm a junior developer with a keen eye for design. Since December 2014, I have been working at Beamly (formerly Zeebox), as a member of the web team.

I recently graduated from the General Assembly web development immersive course: 12 weeks of coding all day, every day.

With nine years of agency experience as a financial communications professional, I recognise the importance of delivering projects on time and on budget and, by necessity, have a sharp eye for detail. I have a strong design focus, and believe that good design is crucial to the usability, accessibility and ultimate success of any application.

I’m a regular attendee at industry meet ups and events including Codebar and LRUG and, when I’m not acquiring Code School badges, I like to read bad magazines and good books.

Collecting languages is another pastime and I speak fluent Spanish, passable Mandarin and conversational French.


Tools and programming languages

Languages and Skills

Ruby, HTML(5), CSS(3), JavaScript, APIs, Ajax

Frameworks and Libraries

Rails, Sinatra, AngularJS, jQuery, Bootstrap, Foundation, Bourbon and Pure


Github, Trello, Balsamiq, Heroku, RSpec


My most recent projects


Music Sharing With My First Rails App


A Twitter-like App to Share Messages


Simplifying Bar Recommendations

Contact Me

Ask me a question or request my CV